I have 20+ years experience working for one of New Zealand largest heavy trailer manufacturers in the engineering design office, currently holding the position of senior design engineer. Naturally this have given me many insights into weight limits and legislation for heavy vehicles in New Zealand.

At the beginning of 2016 we took delivery of our Fiat Ducato based motorhome. At the time, I opted for the increased factory GVM of 3850kg due to being reasonably certain that we wouldn’t be able to stay under 3500kg for a WOF. Did I get a bit of a surprise when I put it over a weight bridge while heading off on a trip one weekend. Thankfully we were under GVM, but only just mind you, but considerably over the rear axle weight limit. If there ever were a problem, there was no way I could argue ignorance due to my job where operating weights and how a vehicle spreads its weight between its front and rear axles is considered every day.

This started the process looking for a solution. Sure there were a few things that could be left behind that weren’t essential, but where do you “lose” 150 to 200 kg? (remember if the item is behind the rear axle it adds more than its own weight to the rear axle). So between talking with contacts within the heavy vehicle industry and a lot of worldwide “googling”, I approached a few European based vehicle consultants / engineers. Most were not that interested, but one in particular was, and answered my questions for information to run past NZTA for their conformation on the suitability of these documents for use here in New Zealand.

After the successful increase in GVM and rear axle weight limit of my Fiat Ducato, the European consultant suggested that I become his distributor for New Zealand to assist others to increase their vehicle weight limits.

LoadSafe New Zealand was born.

We don’t have a physical shop presence here in Tauranga were we live, as there is a huge range to cover and without the cost of holding stock, we can pass on lower kit costs to our customers. In many causes the suspension components will be ex stock Australia, and if not they can be sourced from the manufacturer in Europe in less than 2 weeks.

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